
The Tomintoul & Glenlivet Landscape Partnership (TGLP) was created to help regenerate the Tomintoul and Glenlivet area by:

  • Celebrating and promoting the area’s rich heritage;
  • Enhancing the natural environment; and
  • Developing skills and opportunities for young people, the local community and visitors.

The delivery programme ran from 2017 to 2020, with a total budget of £3.6m. It was funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund with substantial financial contributions from the Cairngorms National Park Authority, Crown Estate Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, LEADER (now Cairngorms Trust) and Moray Council.

The programme delivered twenty projects including community cultural heritage activities, stabilising and restoring vulnerable historic buildings, improving habitats for wildlife, protecting riverbanks, reducing light pollution, delivering a training and education programme and improving the access infrastructure.  All of this has been backed up by a wide range of interpretation and marketing materials, this website and a new digital archive.  The new Discovery Centre in the centre of Tomintoul along with offices for community use now form a hub for all activities and interests in Tomintoul and Glenlivet.

More details about individual projects are found in the Projects section. Projects were led by several different partners and TGLP staff. There were at least 21different partner organisations, up to seven staff and numerous local contractors and volunteers involved.  An overview of the highlights and key achievements of TGLP is shown in the infographic below.

The whole programme was overseen by a board consisting of the Cairngorms National Park Authority, Crown Estate Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Historic Environment Scotland and the Tomintoul & Glenlivet Development Trust.

The TGLP was completed in late 2020/early 2021, but its legacy lives on.


Summary of TGLP highlights and achievements (2017 – 2020)