Community Groups

There are many community groups and organisations within the Tomintoul and Glenlivet area providing a range of opportunities for residents to get involved in community life and visitors to enjoy recreation.





Crafty Lot

We are a craft group that meet every Tuesday from 10am – 12noon in the Community Lounge within Tomnabat court. Every crafter or non crafter are welcome, we can teach you if you want to learn a new skill. Cost is £1-00 per session. This covers refreshments and room use.

Contact: Sandra Sawyer
T: 01807 580278 /07765061153

Kirkmichael & Tomintoul Community Association

Meets third Wednesday of each February, May, August & November 7.30pm Richmond Hall

Contact: Liz Lettey
T: 07765 642327

Tomnabat Hill Committee

To let Land at Tomnabat Hill for grazing and disperse funds to community groups. Meeting normally once a year end of March 7.30pm normally. Place to be advertised. Membership By appointment

Contact: Hamish McIntosh (Chair) / Jenny Herschell (Sec/Treasurer)
T: 01807 580288 / 01807 580287

The Touler

Community Newsletter published 4 times a year January, April, July, October

Contact: Jenny Herschell / Meg Smith
T: 01807 580287 / 01807 580253



Glenlivet and Inveravon Community Association

Quarterly Open Meetings on the last Wednesday of January, April, July, with the AGM as well in October. Anyone is very welcome to attend the meetings the only proviso is, unless the person lives in the parish of Glenlivet and Inveravon they will not be able to vote.

Contact: Tricia Lawson
T: 01807 500225

The Independent Glenlivet & Inveravon Newsgroup

To entertain and inform those people living and working in or visiting, the Glenlivet and Inveravon area and surrounding district. To provide low cost advertising for local business.

Publishers of THISTLEdown. A quarterly publication sold for £1, which has an average of 48 x A4 pages. It is printed professionally in full colour. It is distributed throughout the area from Tomintoul to Aberlour and Dufftown. We have subscribers from all over the world. The publication is produced by a volunteer team of 5 local people. We are always pleased to receive material, be it stories, news, organisation updates or photos etc. We publish on the first Saturday of March, June, September and December. For deadlines go to our web page.

Contact: Val Ireland (Chair of Editorial Team)
T: 01807 590314
Facebook: /glenlivet&inveravoncommunitynews

Kirkmichael Ex-Servicemens Hall

Contact: Linda Morris (Chair)
T: 01807 590501


Area Wide

The Cairngorms Astronomy Group

The Cairngorms Astronomy Group are based in Tomintoul and Glenlivet. Membership is currently open to anyone living in the TGLP area.

The objectives of the group are to: Arrange astronomical events and observing sessions. Support the creation of an IDA accredited Dark Sky Park in the area

Members are able to borrow group equipment for private astronomy and astro photography use.
The equipment currently includes:

8” Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope by Celestron
Atik Infinity astro video camera
Ioptron tracker (for astro pics with your own camera)

Contact: Sam Robinson (Secretary)
T: 01807 590732
Facebook: /cairngormsastronomygroup

Tomintoul & Glenlivet History Group

TGHG is an informal, community-led group which meets to organise history and heritage projects which provide sound recordings and historic photographs for the archive in the Tomintoul & Glenlivet Discovery Centre and Museum, such as Memory Days, and the commemoration of the First World War, in the local area. Please contact the Co-ordinator via Facebook to join.

Contact: Jennifer Stewart (Co-ordinator of the History Group)
T: 07815 921033
Facebook: /tomintoul&glenlivethistorygroup

Tomintoul and Glenlivet Outdoor Bowling Club

Outdoor all weather Bowling club. We are the highest in Scotland, and we believe, the highest in the UK. We meet on Monday afternoons at 2 pm and Wednesday evenings at 7 pm.Friday night is reserved for children from 7 pm until 8 pm. Membership is £35 first year and £45 every succeeding year. We charge £3 for a session for members of the public and £1 for bowls hire and £1 for shoe hire (if required).We are open from Easter until the end of October. We are located at 1 Lecht Drive, Tomintoul, AB37 9EH.

Contact: Mike Budd
T: 01807 580459


Tomintoul and Glenlivet Wildlife Group

We aim to develop and deliver activities that protect and encourage wildlife and promote public participation. This includes habitat improvements, providing advice, raising awareness, carrying out surveys, organising events, improving access and anything else that members can think of that meets our aims. We do this by fundraising; carrying out work ourselves; coordinating and collaborating with other groups, land users and initiatives in the area; and awarding small grants for which any members can apply.

Contact: TGLP office
T: 01807 580350
Facebook: /tomintoul&glenlivetwildlifegroup